On the 13th April 2012, many of Paul's friends and colleagues from the Hard Rock Café Amsterdam gathered together to remember Paul and share happy memories.
Here is a lovely photo of the special place they created to remember Paul, and I'm sure he would have loved to taste that lovely pint of Guinness! Slainte (Cheers in Irish) Paul.
On the 13th April 2012, we organised a Celebration Party to honour Paul's memory, share happy times and have fun together, friends, family and all. Over 50 people came to the Tonic Bar in Blackrock, where Paul's brother Jaime, had done a great job in setting up the evening.
We shared photos of Paul from when he was small to last year and had a good laugh remembering some of the funny things he loved (monkeys, monkeys, Star Wars, Aston Villa, Glen Hansard, The National, Quentin Tarantino to name but a few!).
Then we proudly inaugurated the wonderful song called "Amsterdam Man" written by Paul's brother, David Nolan and sung beautifully by Ciaran Nagle, his cousin. A live band helped continue the festivities, which lasted well into the early hours!
Thank you so much to all the friends and family who came and to those who wanted to come.
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JR Drake
On the 13th April 2012, exactly 1 year after Paul passed away, his friend and customer, the amazing JR Drake did such a wonderful thing - he renamed his boat after Paul, giving it the nickname "Lord Paul" as he used to be known at the Hard Rock Café Amsterdam.
JR, you are an amazing man and we'll never forget how much you did to help us in the search for Paul. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this beautiful gesture in memory of Paul!